In a vase on Monday: It’s been a while


I am so pleased to be joining in again with Cathy’s  In a Vase on Monday meme on this beautiful June day.

In my pottery jug I have Sweet rocket (Hesperis matronalis), Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus),  Nigella and cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), all growing in wild profusion at the allotment from sowings made last year. I made a new planting of my favourite Anemone coronaria ‘Sylphide’ from bulbs/corms bought from Waitrose at Easter and I’m very glad I did as last year’s crop has dwindled to almost nothing after flowering more or less continuously for the last 12 months. They are still sending up the odd flower but they are poor in comparison to the ones I picked  today. I won’t dig up the 2015 planting as I would like to see whether they’ll rally after a ‘rest’ this year.  As before the anemones are planted in full sun in very well-drained much-improved soil and I will water them once a week with weak comfrey tea which promotes excellent flowering in all sorts of plants including and especially agapanthus and roses. Oh the roses. What can I say? So much promise.  It is going to be the most glorious month – fingers crossed.


The walled garden at Goodnestone Park, Kent. 


Roses at Smallhythe Place, Kent, the home of Ellen Terry from 1899 until her death in 1928. 


Looking  forward to visiting Cathy at Rambling in the Garden and seeing what she and everyone else has made today.


13 thoughts on “In a vase on Monday: It’s been a while

  1. Hi Sarah, it’s so nice to see you again. Your vase looks beautiful. I love anemones and they make a perfect bouquet with the cornflowers; those colors are gorgeous together. I hope you’re doing well, take care.


  2. Lush colours – that anemone is particularly beautiful and seems to pull it all together perfectly, both in the shape (simpler) and the colour. Lovely!


  3. With my ‘wedding’ anemones generally flowering well I shall try again with Sylphide next year, as they are such a gorgeous colour and it will be interesting to see whether your last year’s one perk up after a rest – I ams ure you will keep us informed. My cornflowers and nigella are not flowering yet after a Feb sowing, but yours have had a head start. What a lovely combination they are with the anemones – thanks for sharing


  4. What a beautiful combination of flowers; so lovely. Interesting about the comfrey tea; I can remember my father making it for his garden and then forgot all about it until you mentioned it. Enjoy the roses this month. xx


  5. Poor you, I hope you are recovering now; lovely colours today, my Anemones are still throwing up the odd flower after flowering for months since about February, they are a fabulous flower.


  6. Good to see a post from you Sarah. I thought of you at the weekend as my very first plantings of anemone ‘Sylphide’ are in bud. Your blog inspired me to plant them. I have lots of comfrey at the allotment 🙂 Did you create the picture in the background which depicts the anemones?


  7. So lovely to see a post from you, Sarah 🙂 This is a lovely arrangement of blooms and colours – beautiful. Goodnestone Park is on my list of gardens to visit, so thank you for the preview – looks gorgeous. Fingers crossed for your roses! Take care xx


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