In a vase on Monday: November, no problem


We had our first frost yesterday, but even so roses, lilac, fuchsia and Hesperantha are all still flowering in the garden. Add in the best display of fatsia japonica flowers I can remember not to mention early flowers from Helleborus argutifolius and H. Orientalis, Jasminum nudiflorum and even primroses and it is a real pleasure to decide what to pick for my Monday vase.

In the end I decided to pick what I know lasts well so my vase today is a subdued arrangement of drying hydrangea heads, russet sedum, panicum, Physocarpus, euonymus and a spot of colour from Hesperantha.

And I am very pleased to report that not only is Anemone coronaria Sylphide still flowering its socks off at the allotment but the new A. Meron bulbs I planted in pots at home in October are already showing their first frill of foliage.


Joining in with Cathy and her Monday meme to post a vase of home-grown or foraged flowers and foliage.



11 thoughts on “In a vase on Monday: November, no problem

  1. I’m amazed by the persistence of your anemones – as I think I’ve said before, mine are gone in a flash in early spring here. Your mantle looks wonderful with your vases to show it off.


  2. Your anemones are gorgeous! We are a tad too cold to grow them here and can only get them at the florists. I also love your blue-gray hydrangea. I’ve planted a bush, but it hasn’t bloomed yet. Maybe next year!


  3. Good grief – more Sylphide! I only hope I can be as successful with A de Caen for my daughter’s wedding – although I want them flowering at the end of April rather than the end of November! I got back from Edinburgh later today and on my ramble round the garden I wondered what I would have picked if I had been at home… It was interesting to see what had NOT been affected by the cold in out absence and I was certainly eyeing up the fatsia flowers… The varied shade of hydrangea heads you have used are most intriguing – thanks for sharing ps re Brian’s comment, the link did not work for me either and yet it looks OK…


  4. Thanks Cathy, I’ve been having a lot of problems with WordPress lately: losing my dashboard, finding a new template to work with when I write new posts, weird formatting etc. I couldn’t see anything wrong with my link either and the pingback was working so I didn’t bother to try again. Sigh. Please don’t cut any fatsia flowers, they droop almost immediately, much better to enjoy them on the plant. The anemones are amazing and no one is as surprised as me! I do hope you are as successful with yours. We’ll all be watching with baited breath. Have you heard about Georgie Newbery’s book “Grow your own wedding flowers”. It’s been favourably reviewed in Blogland.


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